2008年11月6日 星期四

A Comprehensive Management Guide for Atopic Dermatitis

The etiology of AD appears to be the result of interactions between genetics, environment, skin barrier defects, and the immune system.
It is estimated that 30% to 60% of patients with AD will develop asthma and 35% to 66% will develop allergic rhinitis (The Lewin Group, Inc., 2005; Williams, 2005; Wuthrich, 1999).

Table 1. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Atopic Dermatitis

Table 1: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Atopic Dermatitis

Table 2. Criteria for Diagnosing Atopic Dermatitis

Table 2: Criteria for Diagnosing Atopic Dermatitis

Table 3. Atopic Dermatitis Triggers

Table 3: Atopic Dermatitis Triggers
Extensive elimination diets are not helpful in managing patients with AD and may lead to nutritional deficiencies; therefore, they are not encouraged (Leung & Bieber, 2003).
Emotional stress can increase pruritus, scratching, and trigger the immune system (Leung et al., 2004).Referral to a psychiatrist or therapist is beneficial for patients in which emotional stress plays a strong role in aggravating their disease. Relaxation therapies, behavioral modification strategies, and biofeedback have all been used to reduce exacerbations in AD precipitated by scratching (Leung et al., 2004).
In women, hormones may act as a trigger for AD.

The skin of patients with atopic dermatitis is very sensitive and vulnerable to irritants. Irritants play a provocative role in AD, but are not involved in the primary pathogenesis of the disease (Bardana, 2004). Hot water, soaps, cigarette smoke exposure, enzyme rich laundry detergents, household disinfectants (bleach and ammonia), solvents (alcohol, gasoline, and kerosene), clothing made with synthetic fibers (rayon and polyester) or wool, and juice from fresh fruits (tomatoes, citrus, and strawberries) are the most common irritants in AD (Abramovits et al., 2003; Bardana, 2004; Leung et al., 2004; Wuthrich, 1999).

Table 4. Steroid Classes

Table 4: Steroid Classes
Class 1 to 5 topical steroids should be avoided in areas of thinner skin, including the eyelids, face, mucous membranes, genitalia, and intertriginous areas, as these areas have increased likelihood of transepidermal corticosteroid absorption (Leung et al., 2004).
Local adverse effects of topical steroids include striae, skin atrophy, telangiectasias, perioral dermatitis, erythema, acne, glaucoma, and cataracts. Potential systemic adverse effects include growth suppression, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and osteoporosis, and are most likely to occur with the use of high-potency steroids (Brazzini & Pimpinelli, 2002; Paller et al., 2005).

Other topical treatments for AD include coal tar, doxepin, and topical sodium cromoglicate (Hanifin et al., 2004; Stainer et al., 2005; Williams, 2005).

Table 5. FDA Recommendations on the Use of Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors

Table 5: FDA Recommendations on the Use of Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors

Table 6. Resource Guide for Patients

Table 6: Resource Guide for Patients
Mild soaps with a neutral pH and minimal defatting capabilities should be used for bathing in all patients with AD (for example Dove®, Cetaphil®, Basis®, Aveeno®, and Neutrogena® (Leung et al., 2004). Patients should bathe in warm water once a day for 5 to 10 minutes, pat dry, and immediately apply emollients (Bardana, 2004; Correale et al., 1999). Finally, nails should be trimmed to decrease abrasions to skin (Correale et al., 1999).

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but also hope for atopic dermatitis friends or children to help. Query the doctor about the product research team members came from behind world-renowned medical consultant Dr. Nathan Newman ◎ Albert Einstein College of New York, graduated from the United States of Medicine   ◎ UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles physician   ◎ California Orthopedic Medical School, Dr.   ◎ specialize in adult stem cells The anti-aging technology   ◎ Los Angeles, Beverly Hills plastic surgery medical center opened   ◎ global authority on medical special issue as a feature writer with a number of innovative technologies   ◎ elected Cambridge Who's Who and American industrialist honor outstanding  world-renowned MD William Amzallag consultant ◎ decades medical industry and 14 years of Internet marketing experience   ◎ French Montpellie University of anesthesia and critical care TCM dual degree   ◎ ​​skin and nutrition expert specializing in R & D   in many European ◎ vice chairman renowned Internet marketing companies       and general manager   ◎ fluent in French, English, Spanish three languages   ​​◎ Global EU incumbent Branch Manager, a spokesman for the medical team of consultants and Jie Andean world-renowned ◎ Vincent Giampapa, MD, consultant   medical director of the Center ◎ International integer   ◎ Association of America's first anti-aging chairman   ◎ worldwide certified member of one of the first anti-aging medicine   ◎ Monte Carlo, New Jersey anti-establishment Giampapa Medical       Research Center   ◎ first anti-aging medicine and medical America will manage to join the church lesson author of the book series   ◎ forward to: crack password aging, fight aging secrets ... each containing 186 mg of resveratrol, http://www.mylm79.jeunesseglobal.com/docs/reserve-ResveratrolClinicalTrial.pdf HTTP: //www.mylm79.jeunesseglobal .com / docs / CAP-e_Report.pdf ( Pei Quan essence of every package containing 186 mg of resveratrol ingredients equal to 372 liters of red wine resveratrol content), there are global patent suspension gel technology, through the base of the tongue and throat Oral absorption ... really amazing ... after inquiries about knotweed (Polygonum Cuspidatum) ... knotweed is a medicine containing the most resveratrol in the world, before the kids eat traditional Chinese medicine oral medicine and topical topical skin Tianxin Yuan Yuan fluid and skin cream contains Polygonum cuspidatum, but each package Pei Quan essence to contain 186 milligrams of resveratrol ingredients are also designed to absorb through the base of the tongue and throat, oral mucosa ... began to eat traditional Chinese medicine from the heart to the children after the withdrawal day, Eat Pei Quan became my kids and family usual maintenance. Before eating grape seed ingots, among many imitation products containing the ingredient label or contain resveratrol, but many are saying containing the ingredients carefully to check up but found most of the content is very low, but the price is still very high ... very fond of Peter Pei Quan, also have our own drinking, after joining membership sites on the global Internet access box price 2800 yuan,   http://www.mylm79.jeunesseglobal.com/products.aspx?p = RESERVE (from this site will join members of their own consumer platform website) Send freight 100 yuan, more than four boxes free shipping, the head office will be sent from abroad to home, think it was worth and easy. After the second time we would buy six boxes,  as will send a bottle of topical wipe Luminesce,  Luminesce is Dr. Nathan Newman developed products.   Dr. Nathan Newman is a Los Angeles UCLA Medical Center physicians,  Luminesce contains more than 200 kinds of human growth factor, repair damaged skin cells and regeneration of newborn skin cells, we used to put on children at serious skin allergies, In addition to not rub the child allergies, behind attempts calf swelling did not improve for several months, began to gradually disappeared, the skin also have normal skin glossy, feel very worthwhile.

Skin regenerative ability of stem cells to repair the medical community optimistic 



Dr Nathan Newman explains how stem cells are revolutionizing medicine and how they're already being used in treatment of cosmetic and reconstructive to rejuvenate damaged tissues and improve skin condition and quality. He also explains how Luminesce contains the same chemical language that stem cells use to repair cells and rejuvenate tissue and skin. inquiry Pei Quan There are many benefits for the body, we work in a hospital, to round the big night, need physical strength and resistance to fight free radicals stay up all night, plus alternate care children, my husband and I have follow the child to drink, I hope you can take care of their bodies together. Saw the child's skin and body slowly stabilized, really feel very grateful, very worth it! Some studies have reported about the Resveratrol, and can refer http://www.jeunesse-platform.com/product_detail.php?lang=tw&id=8 Taipei Veterans General Hospital research team found the key to reducing cancer recurrence,  HTTP: //www.vghtpe .gov.tw / admin / File / pdf / news1010427a.pdf use from grape skins, nuts extraction "resveratrol" When radiation sensitizer, with the north wing of the cancer stem cell screening patent technology, animal experiments have shown, You can increase malignant brain tumors, head and neck cancer effects of radiation therapy in mice up to 5 percent, one of only three points inhibit cancer stem cells, the survival time of more than 1 times can breath. http://www.idealversion.com/biomedicine/archives/012v5n2/BM-12-17.pdf http://info.fy.org.tw/59/P11-12.pdf belong to the polyphenol resveratrol Department compounds, the researchers point out: 1 French agricultural scientist: grape downy mildew infection by necrosis grapes, there is always a part intact, because the parts of the high content of resveratrol can effectively inhibit necrotic area extended . 2 Biologists Study: Resveratrol antioxidant capacity not only to crops effective, as effective on the human body. 3 Modern medical experts: Resveratrol has significant anti-bacterial, anti-lipid peroxidation, anti-cell mutagenesis and other pharmacological effects. 4 metabolic specialist: resveratrol beneficial five most critical human metabolic system, including the circulatory system, based antioxidant defense     system, inflammatory response, immune system, metabolic system cells. Stunning resveratrol resveratrol (Reveratrol) is a polyphenolic compounds, the chemical name for stilbene three phenol, molecular formula C14H12O3, molecular weight 228.25, resulting in grape leaves and berries peel of the epidermis, is a plant fungal diseases The reaction results infection. Has antioxidant efficacy is an important grape phytoalexin. Resveratrol can prevent the oxidation of LDL , which has anti-skirts are attractive candidates in cardiovascular diseases, anti-cancer, anti-viral and immune regulation . Function of resveratrol resveratrol has a variety of health and medical functions, its main functions are: with anti-atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, ischemic heart disease and hyperlipidemia. Has significant antioxidant, scavenging free radicals, anti-aging effects. With anti-platelet aggregation, anti-thrombotic effect. Has anti-cancer, inhibit tumors. Source: Agriculture and Food Agency, Executive Yuan crop production group http://www.afa.gov.tw/public_index.asp?CatID=508 life extension Foundation (Life Extension Foundation) has 27 years of history, in 2003 reports on the Resveratrol, found that it can be extended some of the cell's life-cycle of 70% . Harvard University scientists in the study prove life-prolonging effect: 1. increase insulin sensitivity 2 lower blood sugar 3 stimulate mitochondria to produce energy 4. improve motor nerve function 5 to reduce calorie intake (diet) this century aging the biggest miracle of research ... According to studies of red grapes contain a lot of antioxidants, resveratrol is one of them most, the highest content of peel and seeds. Better information about the reaction:  http://jeunesseofficial.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/noname.pdf#page=5&zoom=auto,617,367 supplementary information: the medical profession is now active in delaying cancer research "Sleep Period "method, including the use of drugs and diet. "To prevent cell carcinoma of the" essay mentioned in several natural products, can be a path to control the cancer cells by signaling (signal transduction) into the "dormant period", so I list them again, we eat contain These active ingredients of the food, so a lot of cancer cells within the body ready for sleep. 1 Curry (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... "curcumin") 2 peppers (anticancer ingredient is ..... "capsaicin") 3 ginger (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... " Ginger oil ") 4 green tea (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... "catechins") 5 soybeans (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... "isoflavones") 6 tomatoes (anti-cancer ingredients yes. .... "lycopene") 7 grapes (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... "resveratrol") 8 garlic (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... "sulphide") 9. cabbage (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... "indole") 10. cauliflower (anti-cancer ingredient is ..... "sulphide") above information is for reference only.

